Tying the Bassano Klinkhammer

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Bassano Klinkhammer Thumbnail

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The Bassano Klinkhammer is the brainchild of Tasmanian tyer and guide Chris Bassano. It is a great pattern imitating various stages of the mayfly life cycle – slender enough to pass for a spinner, sits in the water column like an emerger but floats high enough to be a dun.

The fly has been used to very good effect by tournament anglers and has accounted for many large brown trout in Tasmania. Fish it as a stand-alone dry in a hatch or suspend a small nymph or stick caddis under it at a pinch to give two shots at getting a take.

Materials List:

Tying Instructions – The Bassano Klinkhammer

  • Step 1

    IMG 3742

    Take a Klinkhammer type hook (I have used a Hanak XXX. For equivalents in other brands, check out our hook database). Lay down a thread base. With this type of hook take the threat down the bend a fair way as shown.

  • Step 2

    IMG 3743

    Tie in some coral pink colored Hi-Vis or Tiemco Aerowing parallel to the hook shank.

  • Step 3

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    Once that’s tied down, wrap around the base horizontally to form a vertical post.

  • Step 4

    Bassano Klinkhammer Fly Tying

    Tie in some silver wire at the post and then wrap over the wire down towards the hook bend covering up the wire with the thread. Then wrap back up to the base of the post building up a slender thread body. Bring the thread back to the base of the post.

  • Step 5

    IMG 3746

    Rib the body with the wire with even-spaced wraps then tie off the wire and break off (don’t cut) the surplus wire off. To find out how to do this check out the video below – basically, you do it by wiggling it back and forth to weaken it. Then tie in the hackle with the shiny side down and wrap up the post

  • Step 6

    IMG 3747

    Using the black Superfine Dry Fly dubbing create the thorax by wrapping it before and after the post.

  • Step 7

    IMG 3749

    Once the thorax is done return the thread to above the base of the post and wrap three turns of the hackle around the post, each one lower down the post than the previous. Tie off with three wraps of the thread (one above and two below the excess hackle) then trim the hackle. Pinching the hackle fibers so none get trapped, take the thread forward to the eye, and tie a thread head before whip finishing. Trim the post to length and you are done!

Video Tutorial – The Bassano Klinkhammer

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Rick Wallace is a passionate angler and fly fisher whose work has appeared in fishing publications including FlyLife. He's appeared in fishing movies, founded a successful fishing site and spends every spare moment on the water. He's into kayak fishing, ultralight lure fishing and pretty much any other kind of fishing out there.
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