Keegan Payne, a 19-year-old from Katherine, Northern Territory, gained national attention by catching a barramundi worth $1 million.
Yet, a live interview with Sky News’ Peter Stefanovic took a poignant turn as Keegan addressed a shameful l incident from his past.
During the interview, Keegan openly discussed his involvement in the theft and damage of a Polaris Ranger and Polaris quad alongside friends.
It’s believed the vehicles were stolen from a business in which Keegan used to work run by Bob Kavanagh.
“Sorry about your buggy, and I wish I could pay you back,” Keegan said when asked in the interview if he had a message for Mr Kavanagh.
“I’m very sorry. Sorry for you and your wife and your business.”
Despite the gravity of his confession, Keegan showed genuine regret, attributing their actions to youthful impulsiveness.
In a display of accountability, Keegan publicly apologized to the affected business owner, demonstrating a heartfelt desire to make amends, even if he wouldn’t commit to any financial restitution.
Keegan became a milionaire when he caught a specially tagged barramundi from the Katherine River, winning the top prize in the Sportsbet funded Million Dollar Fish competition.
With the excitement of his momentous win sinking in, Keegan mentioned plans for holidays and buying boats and cars with the proceeds, along with helping his family pay off home loans and meet other expenses.