Patagonia is a much-loved and well-known brand that makes great outdoor gear. What makes Patagonia different is that it not only makes gear that looks cool, but it also has a powerful mission of looking after the planet.
It donates 1% of all sales to the preservation and restoration of the natural environment, and it uses recycled materials and processes to make sure all the gear available has minimal impact on the environment.
Part of Patagonia’s product catalog is sweatshirts. We have looked at some Patagonia sweatshirts and selected some of our favorites from the Fair Trade Range, Hemp Range, Organic Cotton Range, and Recycled Content Range.
Patagonia Fair Trade Range
Patagonia currently has more fair-trade-certified sewn styles in their ranges than any other clothing brand. The brand actually pays a premium for each item to ensure that staff in the factories making the clothes are paid fairly and treated well – all items in this range help make a difference in this mission.
This is a regular-fit style sweatshirt that comes in a range of colors. It has small Patagonia branding on the front and then a large print of the very cool brand logo on the back. It works well as a casual sweater or a top you can wear for work to help keep you warm.
If you like plain and simply designed sweatshirts, this one is for you. With just a small Patagonia logo on the chest, it is a stylish sweatshirt without having to be loud in design. It's made with 95% recycled materials, including 10.8 plastic bottles and 0.6 grams of cotton scrap.
Another plain but stylish, regular-fit sweatshirt. Whether you are looking for a casual sweatshirt or a comfortable top to wear when hiking or at work, this fits most situations. Smart or casual in style, it can be worn with most outfits without any issues.
Patagonia Hemp Range
Patagonia’s hemp range is made from fast-growing hemp that has been blended with lyocell or organic cotton. The sweatshirts in this range are tough and durable, so make a good choice for workwear or for hiking, where they might take a bit of a beating.
No logos, no markings, no distractions - just a cool-looking sweatshirt that you can wear with anything. This is a classic style crewneck that looks good while being kind to the environment too. Available in a few different color options, you will probably want this one in multiple colors so you can wear it wherever you are going.
This is one tough sweatshirt with a pen pocket on one arm (very useful when worn as a work shirt). It also has 3 popper buttons that help you keep cool and look smarter if needed too! Finished off with a small Patagonia logo, it looks very stylish.
Patagonia Organic Cotton Range
The organic cotton used by Patagonia is grown chemical-free and in a fair and environmentally friendly way. This means that you can feel comfortable looking good in these sweatshirts, knowing you are also doing your bit to look after the planet.
From the front, this is a basic-looking sweatshirt, but from the back - it is a loud design statement. A large Patagonia logo on the rear of the sweatshirt will get you noticed for being stylish yet practical, and it will be clear that you are a friend of the Earth. If you like standing out, this is one for you.
If you want the most comfortable sweatshirt you can find, then you have found it with this! Made with organic cotton and recycled polyester, this is a sweatshirt that can keep you warm while chilling around the house, but it's also tough enough to handle hiking and hands-on jobs too.
Patagonia Recycled Content Range
Patagonia uses recycled materials to make its clothing. The sweatshirts in this range are no different. The recycled content sweatshirts have a much smaller impact on the environment than standard sweatshirts. So you can wear them knowing you are making use of waste products turned into something very cool.
Warm, comfortable, practical, and flexible when used for layering. This is a great choice whether you are heading out on a hike or if you are going to work. However, it is perfectly acceptable to wear this one for a quiet day at home too.
If you like your sweatshirts to blend in with any outfit you wear, then this is a very good option. Just a small Patagonia logo is added to this quilted sweatshirt. This one looks good at work as well as out in the wild.
Final Thoughts on Choosing Patagonia Sweatshirts
Patagonia sweatshirts are made to be taken out into nature.
They are manufactured in environmentally friendly ways using recycled materials to help keep our planet in good health.
They also look cool and stylish too, so they fit in nicely whether you spend most of your time in the wild or at home.
Whatever you want from a sweatshirt, it shouldn’t be too hard to find what you are looking for from one of these sweatshirt ranges.