The Mojo Rig: The Secret Finesse Carolina Rig (+ pictures)

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Mojo Rig 03

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While it has often been called the mini Carolina rig or the Finesse Carolina rig, the Mojo rig is an excellent bass fishing rig to use in the winter or in any season’s open water areas. It can be closely compared to the standard Carolina, as both rigs are designed to present your bait on the leader line in a great finesse fishing technique.

The Mojo Rig is an ultra-finesse fishing rig that anglers use in extreme circumstances – when the fish are sulking and just refusing to bite. Throwing a Mojo rig can tempt fish that are shut down and not taking a drop shot bait or a conventional Carolina rigged bait.

What Is The Mojo Rig And How To Fish It?

The Finesse Carolina Rig

The Mojo rig is a great option for anglers that love the Carolina, but want a bit of a smooth drag from it. If you are not seeing fish react to your Carolina, a finesse technique with the Mojo rig can get strikes.

The Mojo rig will shine after storms when other rigs seem slow to get strikes. It’s also a great option for fishing with tight lines in clear and deep water with no current, as well as when under a cloudless sky.

What makes this modification different?

One of the biggest differences you will notice between Mojo rigs and a Carolina is the removal of the swivel and addition of bobber stops. The main purpose of the bobber stops is to keep the mojo weights in their place and prevent them from sliding up the leader line.

Mojo Rig Gear – what you need

  • Main Line – Fluorocarbon is the fishing line most anglers will use
  • Hook – A 1/0 worm or any finesse hook you are most comfortable using
  • Mojo Weight – Tungsten in the 1/8-ounce size is most often used
  • Glass Beads – To help stop friction from sliding weights
  • Bait – Any dark colored soft plastic finesse fishing baits you enjoy using

How To Set Up The Mojo Rig

Step 1: Gather Your Tackle

Having all of your supplies, rod, reel, and lure nearby will make it much quicker to assemble your Mojo rig. While this can be done on the boat, it might be easier to set up a few different rigs at home.

Step 2: Add a Bobber Stop 

The first step will be to tie a bobber stop to your main line start. It should be around 3 feet from the end where your hook and lure will be placed.

Step 3: Capture the Weight

Add the tungsten weight to the line and slide it up near the first bobber stop you added. Add up to three bobber stops behind the weight to capture it in place and ensure it stays there even through multiple casts.

Step 4: Finish Your Presentation

Add your favorite hook and small bait to finish up the presentation. You can use any hook you have the most experience with, or simply go with a 1/0 standard medium shank worm hook. If it’s not getting you any results, don’t be afraid to adjust your style of lure or size of hook.

Fishing with Mojo Rigs: How To

If you find yourself bass fishing in sunken vegetation or around weed beds a lot, the Mojo rig is a great option as it can easily slip in and out of the grass without getting snagged. It’s also a great choice for deeper water bass fishing when you want short pulls to get natural movements.

When you toss your Mojo rig in the water, give it a bit of time to slowly sink at its own speed. This speed will depend on the size of weight you are using, but in general, most soft plastics will sink slowly and dance and glide on the way down.

Once it reaches the bottom, let it sit for a bit before you start finessing the bait around. This will give fish a chance to bite. If you don’t get any interest in a few minutes, start hopping your bait by popping the rod tip.

Best Locations To Target The Mojo Rig

The Mojo rig is one of those highly versatile fishing rigs that can do well in a range of areas. If you are looking for specific spots where it shines, consider fishing in these areas:

  • Near a drop off or the bank
  • Next to points and sand transitions
  • Around structures including boulders and docks
  • Just outside of weed beds and thick vegetation

One of the benefits of using the Mojo rig is, like the Carolina, it can be quickly and easily retrieved and cast in a different location. While it’s not a suitable fish finder rig, it can easily be cast close to the boat or at a decent distance until you find bass that are biting.


Does it catch fish in all conditions?

While you can use lighter Mojos throughout all seasons, it shines in the spring. During this season, bass will be more active in the shallows which is where the Mojo can be super effective.
That’s not to say you can’t get success from using the Mojo rig in other seasons. When fish are staying low and holding in heavy vegetation in the winter or fall, the Mojo can dip right down into the same areas and present your bait without getting snagged.

Can I rig it weedless?

One of the benefits to the Mojo rig is that it is very versatile. Many anglers won’t use it unless it is rigged to be weedless. One of the main issues anglers have with a number of rigs is how easy it is to get snagged on weeds and branches.
With the Mojo rig, you adjust your technique, change up your rod and reel, and get a variety of hooks and lures to help you catch more fish.

Mojo Rig vs Carolina Rig?

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While the two rigs are very similar, the Carolina is a great choice when fishing deep open water. If you want to get your bait directly in the face of aggressive deepwater bass, the Carolina can get it done quickly.
For the Mojo rig, while it can be used in deep water with success, it shines in shallow water and can do well in weeds and around rocks. Where other rigs get hung up and snagged, the Mojo will slide right through and present your bait to hungry fish in the area.

Why Fluorocarbon over Mono?

One of the biggest reasons fluorocarbon line is recommended is due to its durability. Compared to monofilament lines, fluorocarbon is much more resistant to abrasions and fraying. When using a sliding weight or fishing around rocks, having a more durable line is vital.
Additionally, fluorocarbon does not become brittle in the sun like monofilament will. One of fluorocarbon’s traits is that it resists UV easily. Monofilament on the other hand will absorb it and become brittle, leading you to replace your line in short order.

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Jeff Knapp is an expert fisherman, guide and outdoor writer whose work is widely published across a range of sites including Tackle Village. Jeff is based in Pennsylvania and loves exploring the waterways of that state in pursuit of smallmouth bass, largemouth, panfish and trout.
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